Update, 23cm EME

Hello all folks. 

Just a quick note. I am QRV on 23cm EME with the 5m dish, see pictures under “QTH1”. I am also very close to getting the 16x3el LFA antennas for 2m QRV as well as the 3-el OP DES yagi for 20m. I have also published pictures of some relay boxes, the dish, the 23cm PA and some more.

The 4th tower is QRV…

Well, still no antennas in the tower, but today I got it lifted to its correct position. It feels great. Look under me/my station and QTH2 tower and antennas for pictures.
I also added new G/T Charts to this site. As we all know, they are from Lionel, VE7BQH. And last but not least, I am QRV on 6m and have sp far worked a bunch of ES qsos, some MS and a few EME qsos.

QRV on 6m

So I got my 9,5m long LFA WOS2 antenna going. It is at 23m AGL. So far the amp and the preamp is not wired, but it will come. Monitoring 6m now, will also be on 6m during the Perseids.

6m antenna

So I am slowly getting QRV on 6m. I have my old 3-el yagi from M2 at a fixed position at abt 16m AGL, pointing towards SW parts of Europe.
I am also finalizing the larger 6m antenna I will use. It is a LFA WOS yagi by InnovAntennas. It is 7-el and 9,5m long. Located on top of one of the towers, about 23m AGL.

HF dipoles…

Today I started to hang up a dipole or actually three dipoles on the same feed, 40m 80m and 160m. So I will soon be QRV on HF again. I also upgraded the mounts for my upcoming 6m yagi mount and for the 5m dish: I added heavier tubes (thicker), I did not trust the thinner tubes would last through all the storms.
The rotator  for the 5m dish is connected but not yet tested (Alfa Spid BIG-RAS). And for the 6m antenna I will run my old RAS rotator. Hopefully there will be nice weather tomorrow so I can continue with my outdoor activities.

Some uptime problems…

Having problems with the UPS. So the computer which manages the weather reports and the lightning detector does not have a good uptime for the moment. But I am working on it.

6m antenna

Preparing for my 6m antenna mount. It will be a 9,7m LFA yagi at about 23,5 metres AGL. With elevation. I know the antenna is a little bit small but I will try do to some EME with it as well.

APRS, and more

Hello folks, my weather station is online through APRS. Meaning I am sending APRS messages about the current WX from JO87FB as SM7SJR-13. But only on the internet, not with radio… yet.
Today I also did finish up most of the “boring” work for the upcoming antenna mounting…everything is prepared and ready to go.


Ok so now I finally got my old personal website remodeled. This is the result, but there are more things to come on the web site of course. 73s de SM7SJR, Bjorn